Vehicle Viewed 148 times

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Stock images may show European specification vehicles and are for illustration purposes
only; actual vehicles may differ in appearance, features and equipment.
2025 Volvo XC90 Ultra
Vin: YV4062PG1S1349921
Mileage:06 Miles

Vehicle Details
Denim Blue Metallic
Blond Ventilated Napp Lea
Body Type:
Sport Utility
Drive Type:
Highway/City MPG:
26 / 20
Intercooled Turbo Gas/Electric I-4 2.0 L/120 (2025.5)
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Estimated city and highway mpg. See fuel for fuel economy combinations. Estimated city/highway mpg based on base engine and transmission combinations. Your actual mileage will vary. All information is subject to change at any time and without notice. Volvo Cars Lisle will make every effort to ensure that the prices listed are correct. We cannot be held accountable for typographical or other errors that may occur on the website. The dealer is only responsible for the correct price, which we will make every effort to supply to you as soon as we become aware of the issue, in the event that the stated price for a car or service is inaccurate due to typographical or other errors (such as data transfer). It is up to each customer to confirm with the dealer that all of the information is correct.
Stock images may show European specification vehicles and are for illustration purposes only; actual vehicles may differ in appearance, features and equipment.